In collaboration with the international film festival of human rights, this human world, whose this year’s movie poster features a work by Marko Zink, Impart contemporary is proud to show the very first photographic series of the artist “Still life” in the new Impart contemporary Showroom, Schleifmühlgasse 18, 1040 Vienna.
“The art of using photographic space, as Marko Zink has done, initiates a social study on being „on-ones-own“ and in turn a self reflection inform of self assurance.”
Andrea Domesle
Adam Budak about Marko Zinks series: Stilleben 1-22
“Shiny reflective surfaces of our most basic everyday surroundings are for Marko Zink of particular interest as unconventional screens of his passionate (and narcissistic) quest for identity yet in disguise or under construction.
These are more truthful image-frames of our selves and more sincere companions of our lives than traditional mirrors that forcefully and banally impose on us one and the only (flat) version of how we look like. Zink seems to explore further the Foucaultian heterotopic quality of a mirror as an uncanny absent »other« space of deceit, a location of phantoms within the illusionistic void. Here, there is an almost psychotic paranoid world of such mirror-like surfaces that multiply realities in their tireless process of reflection.
Zink obsessively finds them everywhere as if desperately trying to set up an alternative to the old (and abused) means of reproduction, including mirrors and cameras of all sorts. There is something poetic in these small-scale discoveries, a sort of private mythology of the everyday.”
Text: Adam Budak, catalog release “waking doubting rolling shining and musing. Improvisation of a faun (or on precarious life)”; University of Fine Arts, Vienna, 2006.
Please register.
Facebook confirmation counts as registration.
3rd of December 2014, 07:00 p.m.
8th of December 2014, 07:00 p.m.
5th of December – 13th of December 2014
Mo – Sun 11:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m.
14th of December 2014 – 15th of January 2015
Visits by appointments.
Die Serie „Still life“, part of the exhibition „Mytholgy Of The Everyday” will be shown until the 8th of January 2015 in the Impart contemporary Showroom.
(Cover picture: Marko Zink, “Microwave”, Part of the Series “Still Life” 2006; courtesy Galerie Michaela Stock; Wien)